Investors - Solör Bioenergi

Investor Relations

Annual Green Finance Reporting

Solör Bioenergi Holding AB is owned 60% by Nordic Infrastructure AG and 40% by Polhem Infra. BE Bio Energy Group AG is an investment company domiciled in Switzerland owning 100% of Nordic Infrastructure AG. Polhem Infra is owned by Första AP-fonden, Tredje AP-fonden och Fjärde AP-fonden, which manages part of the capital in Sweden’s national […]

Annual Green Finance Reporting

Solör Bioenergi Holding AB is owned 60% by Nordic Infrastructure AG and 40% by Polhem Infra. BE Bio Energy Group AG is an investment company domiciled in Switzerland owning 100% of Nordic Infrastructure AG. Polhem Infra is owned by Första AP-fonden, Tredje AP- fonden och Fjärde AP-fonden, which manages part of the capital in Sweden’s […]

Årsredovisning 2023

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Solör Bioenergy successfully completes a SEK 22bn long term financing

Solör Bioenergy completes a SEK 22bn long-term financing for the entire group. The new group finance is based on an investment grade rated Common Terms Agreement with international banks and institutional investors to further strengthen the Group’s M&A strategy. CIBC and ICECAPITAL acted as financial advisers on the transaction. Solör Bioenergy Group announced today that […]

Issuance of updated Green Finance Framework including SPO

In the Solör Group, we strive to have a fossil-free production of energy with an ambition to be climate neutral in our own operations by 2040. By producing renewable energy and recycling hazardous wood waste, we wish to promote the transition towards an environmentally sustainable society. We are actively working to increase the proportion of […]

Årsredovisning 2022

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Annual Green Finance Reporting 2022

In the Solör Group, we strive to have a fossil-free production of energy with an ambition to be climate neutral. By producing renewable energy and recycling hazardous wood waste, we wish to promote the transition towards an environmentally sustainable society. We are actively working to increase the proportion of biofuels, minimize the share of fossil […]

Solør Bioenergi in Norway expands and buys Ringerike Bioenergi AS

Solør Bioenergi has, through its company Solør Bioenergi Varme AS, entered into an agreement to buy the shares in Ringerike Bioenergi AS. Ringerike Bioenergi owns and operates a district heating plant at Helgelandsmoen in Hole municipality that supplies Helgelandsmoen Næringspark with approximately 4 GWh of renewable bioheat annually. The current owners have built a robust […]

Solör Bioenergi Varme AS acquires Oplandske Bioenergi

Solör Bioenergi Group, through its company Solør Bioenergi Varme AS, has entered into an agreement to buy the shares in Oplandske Bioenergi AS. The purchase means that Solör expands its operations in the central eastern region of Norway. Oplandske Bioenergi was founded in 2006 by farmers and forest owners in Gjøvik and Stange. They quickly […]

Solör Bioenergi acquires Sustainable Energy Solutions Sweden AB 

On September 30, Solör Bioenergi AB acquired 100 % of the shares in Sustainable Energy Solutions Sweden AB from the company Stortorget Assets AB. The purchase includes heating facilities in two growing ski resorts, Kungsberget north of Stockholm and Branäs in northwest of Sweden. – Since 2018, Sustainable Energy Solutions Sweden AB has been part […]

Florian Raitner
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