Om Solör Bioenergy Group
Solör Bioenergy Group är en ledande aktör inom förnybar energi baserad på trädbränslen med 900 000 användare varje dag. Vi finns på 300 platser i framför allt Sverige och Norge där vi producerar och distribuerar fjärrvärme, ånga och el till bostäder, företag, offentliga verksamheter och industrier. Vår verksamhet omfattar även energiåtervinning av impregnerat trä och produktion av biobränsle, samt drift och underhåll av kommunala och privata VA-anläggningar.
© Copyright 2025 – Solör Bioenergi
Solör Bioenergi Holding AB finalizes refinancing
Reference is made to Solör Bioenergi Holding AB’s (the “Company”) previous stock exchange announcements regarding its refinancing. The Solør Bioenergy Group has today closed the refinancing of its entire debt. The Company has today repaid its NOK 650 million senior secured bond issue 2012/2017 with ISIN NO 001 0662356 (the ”NOK Bond”) and its SEK […]
NOK 650 million bond – ISIN NO 001 0662356 and the SEK 950 million bond – ISIN SE 0005999687
Reference is made to Solör Bioenergi Holding AB’s previous stock exchange announcements regarding the Nordic Bioenergy Infrastructure AS transaction. Solør Bioenergi Holding AS has today completed the acquisition of all outstanding shares in Nordic Bioenergy Infrastructure AS. About Solør Bioenergy Group Solør Bioenergy Group comprises bioenergy companies which are providing essential energy services in Sweden, […]
Solör Bioenergi Holding AB secures new financing and redemption of bonds
Reference is made to Solör Bioenergi Holding AB’s (the ”Company”) stock exchange announcements regarding the offer to purchase Nordic Bioenergy Infrastructure AS (the ”Acquisition”). As mentioned in the stock exchange announcement dated 23 March 2017, the Acquisition is contingent upon several conditions, including financing. “Solör Bioenergi Holding AB has today signed an agreement for a […]
Notice of Early Voluntary Redemption
Solör Bioenergi Holding AB (publ) (the “Company”) hereby gives notice to all holders of the Company’s SEK 950,000,000 senior secured floating rate bonds due 2019 with ISIN SE0005999687 (the “Bonds”) of its exercise of the early voluntary redemption option in relation to the total outstanding principal amount of the Bonds in accordance with condition 11.3 […]
Solör Bioenergys bondholders meeting
Notice from bondholders’ meeting in Solör Bioenergi Holding AB’s NOK 650 million bond – ISIN NO 001 0662356. Download PDF
Nordic Bioenergy Infrastructure AS’ shareholders accept offer
Solør Bioenergy has offered the shareholders of Nordic Bioenergy Infrastructure AS NOK 28.75 per share in the company. The offer has been accepted today by an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting in Nordic Bioenergy Infrastructure AS. Solør Bioenergi Holding AS (the Offeror), a wholly owned subsidiary of Solör Bioenergi Holding AB (publ), announced a conditional offer to […]
Summons to Written Procedure SEK Bond
This voting request for procedure in writing has been sent on 16 March 2017 to Bondholders directly registered in the debt register (Sw. skuldbok) kept by Euroclear Sweden AB as of 15 March 2017. If you are an authorised nominee under the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act or if you otherwise are holding Bonds on […]
Summons to Bondholder Meeting NOK Bond
To the Bondholders in: ISIN NO 0010662356 – FRN Soler Bioenergi Holding AS Senior Secured Bond Issue 2012/2017 Download PDF
Press release Summons to Bondholders meeting
Summons to bondholders’ meeting/written procedure – proposals to include early redemption right in the NOK 650 million bond – ISIN NO 001 0662356 and the SEK 950 million bond – ISIN SE
Press release Updated Voluntary Offer NBI
On 6 March 2017 Solør Bioenergi Holding AS (the Offeror), a wholly owned subsidiary of Solör Bioenergi Holding AB (publ), announced that it had decided to make a conditional offer to acquire all outstanding shares in Nordic Bioenergy Infrastructure AS (the Company) on certain terms and conditions (the Offer). The Offeror hereby announces that it […]