Notice of Early Voluntary Redemption

Solör Bioenergi Holding AB (publ) (the “Company”) hereby gives notice to all holders of the
Company’s SEK 950,000,000 senior secured floating rate bonds due 2019 with ISIN SE0005999687
(the “Bonds”) of its exercise of the early voluntary redemption option in relation to the total
outstanding principal amount of the Bonds in accordance with condition 11.3 of the amended and
restated terms and conditions of the Bonds dated 6 April 2017 (the “Conditions”).
Terms defined in the Conditions shall have the same meaning when used herein, unless otherwise

The date on which the redemption will occur will be 26 April 2017 (the “Early Redemption Date”).
The total outstanding amount of the Bonds is SEK 950,000,000.
The Bonds will be redeemed at an amount equal to the sum of 100.00 per cent. of the Nominal
Amount plus accrued but unpaid interest, from, but excluding, the preceding Interest Payment Date
(10 March 2017) up to, and including, the Early Redemption Date (26 April 2017) (the “Call Option

The Call Option Amount will be disbursed on the Early Redemption Date to Holders registered as
owners of the Bonds with Euroclear Sweden AB on the Record Date which will be 19 April 2017.
The last trading date to have a transaction registered is 13 April 2017.
In conjunction with the early redemption, the Bonds will be delisted from the corporate bond list at
NASDAQ Stockholm.
This notice of early redemption is irrevocable and is governed by Swedish law.

About Solør Bioenergy Group
Solør Bioenergy Group comprises bioenergy companies which are providing essential energy
services in Sweden, Norway and Poland. The Group produces wood-based bioenergy for the
public and private sector including private households, municipalities, industrial customers
and local/regional governments. As a leading bioenergy company, the Group is operating in
the entire value chain from procurement, production and distribution to sale of energy in form
of district heating, industrial steam, electricity and various biomass products.

Daniel Jilkén, CLO
Phone +41 76 761 27 90, email

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